Pranayama in Practice
with Anita Theart at Embody Practice Center
Saturday and Sunday August 25 & 26 8:30am-6:00pm
““You will know the power of Pranayama through practice alone. With dedicated practice, you will transform, that is the promise.” ”
A two day training for yoga teachers and students ready to go beyond ujjayi breathing and learn more about the breadth and depth of pranayama and its power to create transformation.
This practice based offering by Anita Theart, C-IAYT is inspired by the teachings of her mentor Gary Kraftsow who is a long time dedicated teacher and student of the Krishnamacharya Desikachar yoga lineage.
Anita's intention with this program is to inspire students to practice. She will facilitate this by deepening their understanding of the tools and techniques of Pranayama and through real experience, which is ultimately the most powerful motivation. Anita will explain physical details of breathing, including how to find your own breath capacity, how breath connects to prana, our energy flow or life-force and how to begin teaching pranayama, with considerations for safety and for sequencing with asana.
Cost: $245 Early Bird Registration of $200 by August 1st
Day 1
- Morning practice: Direction of flow of breath+ Breath capacity
- Sutra discussion
- Breath and Prana
- Biomechanics of breathing
- Nervous system
- Brmhana, Langhana, Samana – in practice
- Breath adaptation in Asana
- Krama breathing- Viloma + Anuloma
- Safety and contra indications
- Designing Brmhana, Langhana and Samana practices
- Asana in service of Pranayama – sequencing
Day 2
- Morning Practice: Brmhana practice
- Exploration of pranayama techniques
- Principles of heating and cooling
- Nadi’s
- Techniques workshop:
- Sat Kriyas- Kapalabhati + Bastrika
- Nostril valving- Anuloma ujjayi, Viloma ujjayi, Pratiloma ujjayi, Nadi Sodhana, Chandra Bhedena, Surya Bhedena
- Tongue Valving- Sitali, Sitkari
- Teaching techniques
- An integrated Pranayama practice (Ratio plus Techniques)
It is the transformational and healing power of yoga that inspires Anita’s own dedication to personal practice, her teaching of yoga as well as her yoga therapy work. Her intention is to find the appropriate yoga tools and adaptations and to offer it in such a way that will meet the needs of her students and clients. She sees the breath as a vital key to this work. “Through the breath we link our bodies and minds and in this process we cultivate self-awareness which forms the foundation of self-transformation.”
She has a deep respect for the ancient teachings of this practice. All of her 1200 hours of training has been within the Krishnamacharya and Desikachar lineage. She is inspired to transfer these teachings with the highest possible integrity.
Anita’s credentials include:
- Over 3000 hours of yoga teaching experience
- Certified Viniyoga Therapist – 500 hour program – Studied with Gary Kraftsow at the American Viniyoga Institute
- Certified Viniyoga Teacher – 500 hour level – Studied with Gary Kraftsow at the American Viniyoga Institute
- Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher – 200 hour level – Studied with Nikki Meyers and Marcha Pappas at Citiyoga School of Yoga and Health in Indianapolis
- Member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists
- Registered Nurse with the American Nursing Association
- Reiki Master