HereNowYoga Mindfulness Retreat at Bald Rock Lodge in Cheaha State Park, Alabama

As featured in AAA magazine, join HereNowYoga in the Appalachian foothills at the historic Bald Park Lodge. Experience peace and quiet in a beautiful, natural setting with supportive instruction from experienced teachers. Disconnect from your daily routine and turn inward, deepening your practice of yoga and meditation, and cultivating your relationship with yourself. All levels from beginners to experienced are encouraged to attend.
Morning + Evening Yoga and Breath-work
Guided Meditation and Yoga Nidra
Daily Intention Altar with guidance cards
Journaling/Reflection Exercises
Philosophy/Dharma Talk including “Cultivating Compassion through our Defenses’ and “Intention Setting for Rest, Depth + Connection in Daily Life”
Restorative Yoga + Hot Stones session with Kim Drye
Expressive Arts practices and Group Art project
Fire Ceremony to release unwanted energies and attachments from the past
Day of Silence
Mindful Outdoor Experience
Total Price $525 OR take advantage of our “BRING A FRIEND” promotion. Bring a friend and you each get $75 off. Must pay and register at the same time.
Save your spot with $150 deposit (nonrefundable).
**Accommodations at the Cheaha Mindfulness Meditation Retreat are NOT included. To stay in Bald Rock Lodge (where all retreat events are held) book directly through HereNowYoga HERE. All other lodging can be booked in advance through Cheaha State Park, participants receive a 10% discount on all lodging options which include campgrounds, hotel rooms, cabins and chalets. Discount code for lodging will be sent via email once registered. Book alternate Cheaha lodging here.
Meals Provided:
Breakfast x4
Snacks and Tea
Kitchari Meal on Sunday evening
Participants are expected to provide and prepare their own lunches and Saturday dinner and are asked to bring a potluck dish to share on Friday night. Kitchen facilities will be available to store and prepare food. There is also a restaurant at the park.
Cancellation policy: The $150 deposit is non-refundable. Any cancellations after March 15th 2022 are also non-refundable. However, if you are unable to attend due to illness or Covid-19 exposure, we will refund all except the deposit which can then be applied to future HNY events.
We plan to enjoy a retreat environment that lets us enjoy being in community but keeps everyone as safe as possible. Our current COVID policy is to require proof of a negative PCR or rapid test within 48 hours of the retreat start and to require masks for most indoor activities. There is ample outdoor space at the lodge for eating and other gatherings and we will utilize that space as weather permits. Conditions for the pandemic could change significantly by the start of the retreat so we reserve the right to update these policies and will notify you as they change.